Sunday, February 7, 2010

WOW! What a week/weekend this past one was! I have not written a post in a while, and I promise I won't let that happen again (if there are any readers out there :))

First, I am going to talk about my week in the school- since that is the reason I am here, right? I met all the students, and they all love (or say they do) my accent. One boy in the Year 8 class said, "Have you ever seen Forrest Gump?" How precious, right? For the most part, they all seem like great kids with a lot of potential, and I look forward to getting to know them.

I taught my first lesson Friday to the Year 10 class. My teacher told me on Tuesday that I could take that class as my own and begin teaching those students on Friday. So, I began (right then.. maybe a little too anxious, one might say) planning for the upcoming lessons. I planned.. and planned.. and planned, I think I had like three drafts of the three lessons I was preparing; I did not want to mess anything up. I was going from one of the(I thought the only )textbooks they use. It gives no explanation to any new topic and throws in random topics here and there. So, because this book differs a lot from what I am used to, I was racking my brain to think of how I could get the lessons across to the students in an effective way. Then, I realized that the class has access to another textbook. See, the students receive a textbook at the beginning of the period everyday, and they return them at the end. I looked in the new-to-me-textbook, and ohhh, what lovely details and oh, how thick this book is (full of useful stuff). I was taught in my OCntent Area Reading class that the textbook should have a "co-starring" role in the classroom; however, as a new teacher, I need some kind of structure. They have a syllabus, but I just feel that everything is different. I feel that I need to know what these students have and haven't already learned, and yes, I think I should be able to rely on a textbook to show me that.

Anyway, my lesson went really well. As much as I did not want to admit it, I was a little nervous.

The weekend came quickly (and so did my bad luck or absent-mindedness, whatever you want to call it.) The other girls and I planned to spend the evening at the Supreme Court Gardens in downtown Perth, because the city was having a festival, a free one :). We planned to meet there around 6:45. Well, I don't trust myself with mixing directions and crowds, so I planned to meet two of the other girls at a train station around 6:00. I was going to get on the train at the train station that is about a 15 minute walk from my house, then ride the train to meet them. I was instructed to call them when I was getting on the train. I walk all the way to the train station and go to call them. It was then that I realized I had forgotten my phone. I could just picture it sitting on the coffee table, because as I was getting ready, I thought to myself, maybe I should go ahead and put it in my purse. So, I had to walk back home to get it, then back to the train station. After being mad at myself, I started to find the situation a bit humorous as I remembered how tight my jeans were when I put them on. Good news- an hour later and with time to spare, I made it to the festival. :)

The festival was awesome.

This is what welcomed us to the festival.

These guys led the elders of the tribes.

Then, they set the tree on fire.

And then the fireworks began and I became a little obsessed with taking pictures (I ended up with about 20 pictures of these guys hanging in the sky with fireworks going off behind them.. These are just some of my favorites. :))

Check out her outfit!!

After the festival, Christina and I went to have a drink with one of the teachers at her school. We drank some wine and talked. Then, we walked to another bar that had karaoke (no, I did not participate.) While we were waiting on our drinks, a wine glass fell on my head, and they gave us free drinks. I'm telling you, I was having a weird and humorous night.

Saturday we went to Hillary's and just walked around, shopped, and ate lunch and ice cream.

Lunch Time!!

Today, Izzy and I went shopping for FIVE hours!

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